“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always
bumps in the road, but you can make the choice
to keep looking ahead” – Kara Goucher

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“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always
bumps in the road, but you can make the choice
to keep looking ahead” – Kara Goucher

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Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment Service

Why would I need an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?

Occupational therapy driving assessments on the Mornington Peninsula are conducted to determine if your health is impacting on your functional fitness to drive. A person’s ability to drive safely may be influenced by a number of factors. Occupational Therapy driving assessment and rehabilitation provides assistance to people who wish to drive or return to driving:

  • Following illness or injury
  • With congenital or long-standing disorders
  • With both physical and mental health disorders

Further information about health and driving can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/health-and-driving

Prior to having an occupational therapy driving assessment VicRoads Medical Review require a Medical Report from your doctor. Your doctor will complete this report in accordance with the current edition of the national driver medical standards which are updated regularly.  You can access the 2022 Assessing Fitness to Drive guidelines by clicking on the following link:


This report can be completed and submitted online by your doctor. It can be accessed on the following link:


VicRoads Medical Review may also require additional reports and will advise you if this is the case. These may include a report from a specialist or an eyesight report.

Once VicRoads Medical Review determines you meet the medical guidelines for driving, they may ask you to complete the occupational therapy driving assessment.

Prior to booking you in for a driving assessment we need to seek and obtain clearance from VicRoads to proceed with your assessment.

Occupational therapy driving assessments are predominately conducted from the room in Mornington. Exceptions include if you need an assessment for a restricted (local area) licence; in which case we would come to your home for the on-road test.

Conducting the Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment

The Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment consists of two separate appointments:

Appointment One – Off-Road Assessment

This can take up to 1 ½ hours and is conducted in the room in Mornington. It consists of a clinical evaluation including:

  • Asking you about your medical and driving history, as well as your driving needs for the future.
  • A visual and hearing screen.
  • A physical, medication, sensory and cognitive screen.
  • A written road law test.

 Appointment Two – On-Road Test

This is conducted with a Driving Instructor in a dual controlled vehicle, and usually takes one hour to complete. It includes:

  • A familiarisation drive which enables you to become familiar with the vehicle and ask any questions you may have.
  • The on-road test which takes approx. 35 minutes.
  • Feedback from the occupational therapist and driving instructor, including recommendations, in relation to your health and driving.

The instructor sits in the front passenger seat to provide directions and maintain the safety of the vehicle. The Occupational Therapist is seated in the back seat and will observe your ability to drive. There are two types of drive available for the on-road test:

  • Option One: Full Licence Drive

This is conducted on a set route, and contains the major skills required in order to hold an unconditional licence in Victoria.

  • Option Two: Local Area Licence

This is completed with people who only wish to drive in their immediate local area. The on-road test commences at the person’s home and involves them driving in their familiar local area.

Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment Report and Recommendations

Following the assessment, a written report with recommendations is completed, and sends to VicRoads Medical Review.  A copy of this report is sent to you and any relevant others such as your doctor (with your permission). On receipt of the occupational therapy report VicRoads Medical Review will make a decision in relation to your licence and send you a letter with their licensing decision.

Outcomes of the occupational therapy driving assessment may include recommendations such:

  • You are safe to drive, and no further input is required.
  • Driving lessons are required to address any areas of concern, followed by an on road re assessment.
  • Specialised equipment is required to be fitted to your car e.g. spinner knob, hand controls, left foot accelerator.
  • You are safe to drive with licence restrictions eg no night driving, driving in a set area, no freeway driving
  • You are not safe to continue driving at this stage; therefore, your licence may be suspended or cancelled.

Further information about occupational therapy driving assessments can be found in the free e-book from OT Australia – “The Road Ahead; A Guide to Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments” by clicking on the following link:


Learner Drivers

We can provide occupational therapy driving assessments and support for learner drivers who have
additional needs, including:

• Development disabilities such Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
and Intellectual Disability
• Physical disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy
• Mental health conditions such as anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder.


Am I expected to know how to drive?

We understand as a learner driver, you have not yet developed the skills required to hold a licence. In fact, many of the learner
drivers we see have never been behind the wheel of a car. In this situation the occupational therapy driving assessment is not
focused on your driving skills, rather on skills such as:

• Whether you can physically operate a vehicle and determine if vehicle modifications may be needed.
• Your ability to respond to instruction and feedback and learn the skills for driving.
• Your ability to maintain your concentration and attention.
• Whether you are able to manage your emotions in the context of remaining calm behind the wheel of the car.

A learner driver may require an occupational therapy driving assessment in order to:

  • Assess their functional capacity to learn to drive
  • Make recommendations in relation to vehicle modifications that may be required so the vehicle can be operated safely and effectively.
  • Identify specific learning needs in relation to driving skill development
  • Identify strategies to assist with managing personal challenges that may occur while driving, for example:
    • Managing anxiety
    • Identifying and managing any sensory processing needs
    • Managing emotions that could impact on safety, including frustration and anger.
  • Provide recommendation reports to NDIS in relation to funding for specialised driving lessons if they are required
  • Work in conjunction with specialised driving instructors to support their learning and skill development

Step One: Get my learner permit

You will first need to obtain your learner’s permit. VicRoads now offer the option of completing the Learners Permit Test Online. This is an interactive course and assessment. You can complete this at your own pace. It might also be something you prefer to complete with a support person beside you to provide further explanation. Once you have completed the Learners Permit Test Online, you will then need to attend a VicRoads Customer Service Centre to have your learner permit issued. For further information on the online course click the link below:


Step Two: Obtain a Medical Report

You are legally required to advise VicRoads of any medical conditions, disabilities or illnesses that could impact on driving. You will need to obtain a Medical Report from your doctor. This report can be completed and submitted online by your doctor and can be accessed on the following link:


Step Three: Contact REEF Occupational Therapy

Once your medical report has been submitted contact us; we will liaise with VicRoads Medical Review to obtain clearance for your assessment.

Contact us – we are happy to guide you through the process.

“Every student can learn just not on the same day or in the same way.” – George Evans

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“Every student can learn just not on the same day or in the same way.” – George Evans

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